Colds and flu season is here again. Now a days it seem like it never ends. Sometimes it is allergy or sinus problems for some people. O yea, pets can have these problems too. I wonder how many animals in the wild go through this. Well, I best get back on track with this conversation. Afterall I came to tell you about the tea I drink to get rid of a cold, if I get one.
Remember to seek advice from your doctor or a local pharmacist. I am not a medical provider nor a medical professional of any kind. I am sharing with you what I do to get rid of a cold at home. Some people may refer to this as a home remedy. I hope this will help you.
What I Do to Get Rid of A Cold
Okay. Here goes. How do I get rid of colds when I get one? How do I prevent getting a severe and nasty cold? Both answers are the same. I drink tea. Okay. Okay. I am not talking about the tea you get from a restaurant or buy in a grocery store. In fact, the tea I drink is not sold in stores but, it is readily available. I drink a special kind of herbal tea. Yes, I said herbal tea.
The herbal tea I drink is best used in their unique combination. The teas I drink to get rid of a cold has been tested and used for many years and comes in special combinations to help you get rid of a cold. These teas also helps keep me from getting a severe or nasty cold.
Everyday I work in an environment where I am surrounded by all sorts of colds and germs daily. Thankfully, because I have boosted my immune system by drinking this tea, I have not had a nasty cold in over a year. In the past I have had colds so severe that I had to take cold medicine everyday for at least a week or longer. But, now that I drink tea to get rid of a cold I no longer have that problem.
This information is my personal experience drinking the tea. I enjoy having some of this tea very often. A nice warm good tasting cup of tea helps me relax after such a long day of hard work. It gives me great pleasure to share my tea with you. Go ahead and take a sip of tea to get rid of your cold.