About SimplyJane
Thank you for taking time to stop by SimplyJane and read my blog. I want you to enjoy your time here. You will find information that is helpful to you and your love ones.
Blogging is a new experience for me. I have wanted to blog for over ten years now and was always too afraid to try it. Many things I read about blogging said to start with only one niche. I looked that up . For me, it was hard to narrow down to only one niche. I wanted to write about a lot of things.
I grew up as the youngest out of eight kids. Has now become a wife and mom. Most of my time has been spent at home taking care of my kids and family. My table was always full. I always had plenty of things to do. I could have blogged about what I did everyday. There were lots of fun and sometimes weird stories I could have shared.
I enjoyed reading books and magazines. Authoring books and stories has always been a desire for me. As I continue through each day and stage of my remaining life, I prefer a calm simple lifestyle filled with fun and joyful things to do.
Other ideas and topics will be added as blogs are created. It is January 2022 as I write this introduction. It is a new year and I want to do something new. Blogging is not something new. Starting my blog is something new for me. Get on board this blogging train and take a blogging ride with me.
I hope you will come again and bring or send a friend.
For fun, here are a few things about SimplyJane:
1. Wish I could live in Walton’s Mountain or Mayberry
2. I love sleeping in as late as possible
3. I am not an early morning person
4. I am a night owl
5. I do my best work at night
6. When I am stressed, I like being alone
7. I shocked myself by starting a blog
8. I really like walking through a forest
9. I am a homegirl, I love to stay home
10. I love to learn new things
11. I keep myself busy by taking classes online