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How to Lose Weight (Easy)

I lost two pant sizes and saddle bags using an easy to use weight loss plan. I was amazed at the results and the inches I lost has stayed off. Eat and do not starve when you use this weight loss plan. Do this before going under the knife with weight loss surgery.

Two Reasons You are Overweight

1. Overweight is cause you have too many fat cells in your bloodstream.

2. You have an underactive digestive system.

Do an internal body cleanse to help your digestive system. An internal body cleanse will clean your colon. The colon is the lifeline of the body. A clean colon helps the organs in the body function.

Using a fat burner will burn the fat. Using a fat remover will flush it out of your body. The fat burner and fat remover need to be used together.

Within six weeks I dropped from a size 20 to a 16. The 90 Day Ultimate took the weight off my body in all the right places. There was no sagging skin left. In fact, this product got rid of my flabby arms. Before starting this weight loss plan, I was exercising and eating as healthy as possible, which included lots of salads. Some weight loss occurred, but not as quickly as I wanted to make me satisfied.

 It has now been over 5 years, and the weight has stayed off. That is right. The flabby sag that was on my arms left and has not come back. The inches I lost has stayed off and not come back.

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Your Meals and Snacks

Presently, I am not highly active, and I have a very sedentary lifestyle. But I watch how much I eat. Yes, I eat snacks like cookies, ice cream and brownies and other delicious foods. Each day I choose what and how much I want to eat. I do not deprive myself of foods I love to eat.

As you lose weight, pay attention to how your clothes fit your body. A fantastic way to notice is to choose one or two outfits to use. Choose from the clothes you already have. It is best to choose something that fits a little snug, this way you will know it has gotten looser when you start to lose weight.

Use an outfit, a shirt or other top, or a pair of pants or shorts. Try the clothes on at least once a week. Clothes that were too small should get easier to put on and after a while you will be able to fit those clothes.

Things I Did While Using the 90 Day Ultimate Weight Loss Program

  1. I used fat burner and fat remover daily. As a tea I drank several cups of tea every day.
  2. Stayed hydrated. I drank water daily.
  3. I ate when I was hungry and, I ate as healthy as possible, which was mostly vegetables and meat. Sometimes I used fruit for desert or a fruit recipe. Yes, I ate snacks (junk food), but in moderation. On days when I made a meal out of snacks, I would have lighter meals or try to fit in some exercise to help burn extra calories.
  4. Exercise. Although, I did not exercise regularly all the time I still lost weight. Others who have used this weight loss program said they lost more weight by exercising. My daily routine changed from day to day, some days I did not have much time to exercise.
  5. I tried on clothes that were too small. I had several pieces of favorite clothes that I refused to throw away.

Because of the excessive weight I had gained, one of my favorite shirts was too small for me to wear. The shirt had expandable short sleeves made with elastic bands. I put the shirt on. The sleeves were so tight that I could barely get them over my biceps. I tried to button the shirt. Each side of the shirt could barely touch.

 After using the 90 Day Ultimate weight loss program I could fit my favorite shirt again. I was able to fit into my shirt before completing the program. As time went on, I wore this shirt the most. Because of the washing machine and dryer buttons began to pop off. After losing three buttons I hung my favorite shirt in the closet to repair it later.

By the time I finished this weight loss program I could overlap the sides of my shirt. My favorite shirt was now too big to wear. As I write this my shirt is still hanging in my closet. I take it out sometime and try it on. After over five years, the sides of my favorite shirt still overlap.

A Few Extra Tips

 As I look over the five things I did while using the 90 Day Ultimate there was one thing missing. I did not have a reliable weight scale. My scale was a broken spring type scale. It would give me a different weight every time I stepped onto it. Therefore, I could not track how many pounds I lost. Despite not having a reliable weight scale I knew weight was coming off because my clothes got looser and looser.

 Here is a clothing tip. Some materials shrink from being wet or dried in a drier. Some materials will stretch from being washed and dried. Do not wash nor dry the outfit or clothing you use to measure your weight loss. Try the clothes on, pay attention to how the clothes fit. Take the clothes off to prevent getting them dirty.

 Give yourself time to lose the weight. The weight did not come on you overnight. It will not leave you over night. Be patient and keep going. Everyone does not lose weight at the same rate. Do not compare yourself to others all the time.

 If you can not eat meals at the same time each day or close to it, keep snacks with you to eat when you are hungry. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are good to have for snacks. Go to the following website to see reusable containers to help you keep your meals and snacks fresh at home, work, and on-the-go. Click this link https://my.tupperware.com/freshfood/ and search for containers or food storage.

Get It Here

Do you want to or need to lose fifteen pounds or more? If you answered yes, I encourage you to try this same Ultimate weight loss program that I used. The company has changed the name of the weight loss program to 60 Day Ultimate. What was done in 90 days can now be done in 60 days. Get your 60 Day Ultimate here https://www.uhousehealingherbs.com/product-page/60-day-ultimate-weight-loss-plan . As you check out, click the notes link, and say, “I saw this on SimplyJane” or only type in “SimplyJane.” Leaving a message will let me know how many of my viewers they have helped through this blogpost.

 To speak with a live person about the 60 Day Ultimate weight loss or other products please send your name and contact information to simplyjane4u@gmail.com.

Thank you for stopping by. Come again.



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